Happy Mum Zone
The Home For Mums & Tots.
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About Happy Mum Zone
Hey, thanks for stopping by. I’m Lindsey… nice to meet you! I am the creator of Happy Mum Zone and a mum of 2 beautiful girls.
Since becoming a mum, I have immersed myself in learning all about motherhood – from pregnancy, to raising babies and to entertaining active toddlers.
My Mission
The early years of childhood are considered the most important years in a child’s life. Right from pregnancy, these early years are when children learn and develop the most. My mission is to help mums and young children get the most out of those important early years by providing education and fun activities at all stages.
The activities that are provided by Happy Mum Zone aim to educate young children in THE MOST fun ways that help with their development in 5 key areas using – fine motor skills, gross motor skills, emotional/social skills, communication skills and cognitive skills.
You can use the menu at the top of the page to browse blog posts which cover topics of pregnancy, babies and toddlers. I also offer a range of products for expecting mums, babies and toddlers in the Happy Mum Zone Shop.