You can post a letter to Santa in an official post box and get a response from Santa. But maybe you’ve missed the deadline or you’re not sure how to receive a letter from Santa in your country.
Well, no worries because I’ve got a free personalized letter from Santa template that you can use. You can computer edit the template and it comes with an editable envelope to make it look authentic and as though it’s genuinely from Santa.
Your little one is going to be thrilled to see that Santa has personally written to them with a lovely message. This letter from Santa template lets your child know that they have been good this year and it encourages them to keep it up.
This letter and envelope will need printing out on A4 paper with coloured and black ink.
Here’s how the letter from Santa and envelope templates looks and you can download them below.

I wish you and your family a fantastic Christmas with all that you wish for. Share this post to your family and friends who would love to receive a personalized letter from Santa. Merry Christmas from my house to yours!
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